93.7 FM/1510 AM Mile High Sports Radio is the best sports radio station and best station to listen to in Denver. There I said it. The reasons are immense but the main reason is their relationship with the listeners:
- Mile High Sports Radio hosts have a relationship with their callers like no other. They take the time to listen to their callers and get them involved.
- They know their callers by name and address them by name. They are not addressed as caller, they don't get talked down to (well maybe if Eric Goodman is having a bad mood that day).
- While I was not able to attend, they had a listener appreciation party at World of Beer on June 19th. What other station is going to get listeners buzzed for free and hang out with their listeners? None that I know of.
- Their sponsors help pay their salary but instead of taking all the schwag, they take part of that money in gift cards and constantly are giving their listeners free stuff. Who doesn't like free stuff?
The biggest reason I like Mile High Sports is they talk a lot of local sports but mix in what's going on nationally better than any other sports program in the Denver area. The best take isn't always the hosts but their guest or the fans is what I've learned after 15 years in this Sports Talk listening game. I tune in to listen to a show's host but also to provide entertainment and add something to the show. They have to keep you entertained and wanting to see what is next. So, here is what I do for my listening and why I don't tune in elsewhere and maybe you'd get the same benefits from :
Before 6 a.m.: Steve Czaban is the choice on Mile High Sports. Sometimes if Mike and Mike on ESPN Radio has something good they are talking about, I may tune in. Otherwise I can listen to 104.3 The Fan play replays of their shows the day before and considering I only tune in to one of their shows, I skip it
6-7 am: If I am driving or at the office, it's the Morning Edge. McChesney and Fogoros with Josh Dover may talk sports for half of it but the rest is bacon and things to make you wake up and drive or get working with a smile on your face.
7-9 am: This is where it gets rough for me. The Press Box with Peter Burns and Lance Britton when he fills-in are great. They are entertaining. Mark Kiszla is best used as a 15 minute spot. 2 hours of him is painful. The alternatives at these times are not good but this is where my surfing is constant and I actually listen to music sometimes at these times. Mike and Mike are just too national and talk way too often of the same teams that I have grown sick of hearing about, i.e. The Jets, The Knicks, Notre Dame, The Lakers and The Heat. 104.3 is getting it right by adding Vic Lombardi but as I said before, Mike Evans just doesn't cut it anymore. He's the guy the station has moved around and tried to let go but can't. Better alternatives and where I would think of listening in place of Evans would be Mark Mosier (I know he does hockey but he has the time in the mornings and was always good), Sandy Clough-two big name guys that keep each other from getting too cocky is needed, Nate Kreckman-Not sure what's happening with Gary Miller coming on in the afternoons on ESPN 102.3/105.5, so take my tied for favorite host and put him on what would be Denver's Greatest Show.
9-11 a.m.: No doubt it is stuck on Mile High Sports Morning Mayhem!!! Danny Williams is the co-MVP in Denver Sports Radio and his Pippen in Cello Romano keeps him from going "THERE". JoDo kills it on the boards and he knows callers by name when they call-in. That is class!!! Best show in Denver like I said before here!!! Ranking Denver's Sports Radio
11 am-3 p.m.: Things get jumbled around here. ESPN is still on national for an hour. Clough gets another hour to be the know-it-all, end-all and then Grandpa Gil comes on 93.7. This is where I tune out often. I focus on all work related things and meeting time is around here. I only tune in around these times if breaking sports is happening or I am in the car. The station doesn't stay on any show at this time. Irv & Joe (93.7/1510), Les & Tom (102.3/105.5) and Gil (93.7/1510) all sit behind Hastings (104.3) though. Hastings could host with anyone and I'd listen just so I can hear his takes.
3 pm-6 p.m.: I am not going to lie, I can't make a decision here, but usually listen to Mile High Sports. That said, Kreckman keeps me interested enough to tune in over on ESPN. The Fan has lost my interest. Alfred had too many concussions to make sense or to read/remember what is going on in Denver Sports.
6 pm and after: One choice, Mile High Sports. Unless the Rockies, Broncos or Nuggets are on, I am listening to some solid shows with Renaud Notaro, Brandon Spano or Reed Marks and the man with the band name Zach Fogg doing solid work on the boards, second to only Josh Dover as a producer.
Weekends are few and far between when I can listen to the radio, but if I am on a run or going out for an errand, then there are a couple great shows on during the weekend. Denver Sports Nation on Mile High Sports with Joshua Dover, Adam Kinney and Dario has great guests from local bloggers/web sites/writers and is solid knowledge from young guys that know their stuff. They are my favorite weekend show... outside of football season. Riding Shotgun with Cecil Lammey kills it on ESPN Denver. Fantasy football knowledge and football player knowledge of Cecil is un-paralleled in Denver easily. He kills it during the weekends and when I need a football fix, I try to make a Starbucks run during his show.
As you can see, I am a Mile High Sports listener above all others but there are some shows and hosts that do it right and pull me away from there at times. Denver Radio should be very interesting these next few months with the personnel changes on The Fan and ESPN and with football season fast approaching.